If you are looking to connect with an ADB team member or an ADB graduate, please feel free to use the links provided.
ADB Team & Graduates

Member of the ADB Team, K9 Life Coach, creator of ADB, co-founder/co-owner of K9 Life Coaching, LLC - homebase: Trinidad, CO
Nomadic throughout the contiguous US (the lower 48s), and always available for online or phone consultation - to get in touch with Scott, please call 719-680-2061 or his direct # at 530-917-6712
On Turtle Island

Member of the ADB Team, ADB coach and instructor, co-creator of ADB, co-founder/co-owner of K9 Life Coaching, LLC - Homebase: Trinidad, CO
Southern Colorado and northern New Mexico - to get in touch with Diana, please call 719-680-2061
On stolen Jicarilla Apache and Southern Ute land

ADB certified in Affective Canine Therapy, member of the ADB Team, owner of Beyond Behavior, LLC
Utah: Clearfield - phone # 385-368-4199

ADB certified in Affective Canine Therapy
Germany: Berlin - phone # 01520-18 677 39 or 011-49-1520-1867739
ADB Knowledge Graduate
David is located in New Brunswick, Canada, on the traditional lands of the Mi'kmaq people. To get in touch with David, please click on his name above!
ADB Knowledge Graduate; owner operator of Beasts of Oden Dog Training
Sarah is located just west of Lubbock, TX. To learn more about Sarah, please click on her name or call 1-806-773-6506

More to come
Please check back with us to see who makes the list next