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Community Guidelines


Affective Dog Behavior is organized and owned by K9 Life Coaching, LLC. It is built on the idea that connection and the freedom to self-express are fundamental needs to each social animal, whether human or non-human. Not only do we encourage social mindfulness within our organization, but also outside, be it on social media or in your own social and professional circles.


K9 Life Coaching, LLC, is dedicated to providing an environment that is free of harassment and discrimination for all, regardless of age, disability, physical appearance, gender and gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, race, cultural beliefs and religion. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination by and of any students, members or ADB Team members. Examples of harassment include but are not limited to:

  • Spoken or written comments that result in undue social pressure or intimidation, whether intentional or not (tip: practice social mindfulness)

  • Overt intimidation and stalking (incl. but not limited to cyber stalking)

  • Posting of images, videos or other media with the intent to harass or intimidate

  • Silencing of others

  • Unwelcome sexual attention

  • Encouraging any of the above-mentioned


Official ADB Nondiscrimination Statement: To fight discrimination, K9 Life Coaching, LLC, has developed a review process (see below) to address complaints against any of our team members, students and other participants based on age, disability, physical appearance, gender and gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, race, cultural beliefs and religion. That said, we encourage you to embrace the interesting world of diversity, even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable. After all, when thoughts of social justice cause feelings of discomfort, learning happens.


While your ADB Team is certainly not immune to making mistakes along the way, we are prepared to face the uncomfortable truth of privilege, and our commitment to social justice matches our commitment to teaching Affective Dog Behavior. We hope that we can count on you to share the same values, as social justice cannot be separated from Affective Dog Behavior.


Review Process and Problem Solving: If harassing behaviors are noticed, a member of the ADB Team may address these immediately either publicly or in a more discrete manner through direct messaging. However, despite all safeguards, acts of harassment or discrimination may go unnoticed. If you are being harassed or know of someone else being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact us via direct messaging or e-mail to (subject line: complaint). Complaints will be investigated and reviewed by our ADB Team, and, depending on case sensitivity, may or may not be brought to the attention of a third-party mediator, and actions may include warning the offender and/or removal from ADB platforms.


This anti-harassment and nondiscrimination policy is partially based on the policy from

© 2023 Affective Dog Behavior

Learning Community:
Videos (public)

ADB Memes & Infographics

ADB-I = ADB Instructor
ADB-KG = Knowledge Graduate
ADB-SG = Skills Graduate
ADB-ACT = ADB Certified Affective Canine Therapy

K9 Life Coaching/Affective Dog Behavior disclaimer: Affective Dog Behavior is a combination program founded of experience, skills and Dr. Jaak Panksepp's Affective Neuroscience as well as Social Neuroscience and various research in general Neuroscience. While your ADB Team is knowledgeable in the topics covered within the program, the Team continually adds new knowledge through their efforts in translating ongoing modern (neuro)science into "dog". That said, please understand that the ADB Team is not a team of scientists but a team of canine professionals who with a keen interest in the various branches of Neuroscience. 
Our mission: In the scope of Affective Dog Behavior, it is our mission to (1) collect and translate into "dog" research that will help us better understand and connect with dogs, (2) make said research and translations easily accessible, understandable and relatable to non-professional and professional dog guardians, (3) embrace and follow a community and connection-oriented approach where social equity, diversity and equality are not only encouraged but a foundational pillar, (4) continue on our path of self-education and our commitment to providing reliable up-to-date information to our members ad non-member readers.

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