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Practice Assessment
(10 questions)

(on mobile devices, click on the code)

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(2) Online Assessment
ADB-KG Certificate

(75 questions)


(Do not purchase this Assignment until you are ready to take the test!)

Please read the following list of assessment instructions carefully before you purchase the test!


Assessment instructions:

  • you can now purchase the ADB-KG test and take it later (or immediately) by setting your desired start date (please mark that date in your calendar - we don't want you to miss it)

  • from that start date you have 7 days to complete and submit the assessment

  • once you start your assessment, you have 300 minutes (5 hours) to complete all 75 questions and submit your answers

  • as long as you keep your assessment form open, you can edit your answers; once you close or delete the form, you will have to start over (within one week of purchase)

  • not only are you allowed to "cheat", but we also encourage you to look up answers or ask your ADB Team or others for help by any means possible (within the 300-minute timeframe)

  • if you want to save your response (assessment), select the "save my response" button on your thank you page when you submit your response

  • once submitted, your response cannot be edited

  • official passing score is 80%; if you do not reach this score but show a general understanding of ADB principles, the ADB Team will help you work through the missed answers in a Zoom interview for a passing score

  • expect to hear from us within 10 days after submitting your assessment


Assessment Fee - $150.00

Assessment Fee with proof of purchase of official ADB Study Guide - 30% discount (applies to full exam fee only)



© 2023 Affective Dog Behavior

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ADB-I = ADB Instructor
ADB-KG = Knowledge Graduate
ADB-SG = Skills Graduate
ADB-ACT = ADB Certified Affective Canine Therapy

K9 Life Coaching/Affective Dog Behavior disclaimer: Affective Dog Behavior is a combination program founded of experience, skills and Dr. Jaak Panksepp's Affective Neuroscience as well as Social Neuroscience and various research in general Neuroscience. While your ADB Team is knowledgeable in the topics covered within the program, the Team continually adds new knowledge through their efforts in translating ongoing modern (neuro)science into "dog". That said, please understand that the ADB Team is not a team of scientists but a team of canine professionals who with a keen interest in the various branches of Neuroscience. 
Our mission: In the scope of Affective Dog Behavior, it is our mission to (1) collect and translate into "dog" research that will help us better understand and connect with dogs, (2) make said research and translations easily accessible, understandable and relatable to non-professional and professional dog guardians, (3) embrace and follow a community and connection-oriented approach where social equity, diversity and equality are not only encouraged but a foundational pillar, (4) continue on our path of self-education and our commitment to providing reliable up-to-date information to our members ad non-member readers.

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